Mount Forest MOMCo

Who: every mom at every stage of motherhood is welcome to join us( it’s for a lifetime)- All are WELCOME
Where: First Baptist Church Mount Forest FBC-116 Fergus St.
When: 2 Monday nights a month from 6-7:30 pm (moms eat a meal and there are kids programs at the same time with snacks)
Why: to make new friends with other moms and connect with old friends in a friendly and fun setting - to talk, share and learn as we navigate motherhood from birth into adulthood
If you have any questions call FBC at 519-323-2092 Mon.- Thurs.

KidsCo 0-4years: "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 19

Your children are cared for in a safe, clean and stimulating environment while moms get a chance to enjoy the company of other mothers.  They will be placed in an age appropriate room. There is a regulated number of supervising adults per child. If you have questions or concerns about the placement of your child, please let us know.  

Please REGISTER your child(ren) on the MomCo Facebook Group each week in order for them to take part in the KidsCo 0-4 Program. 

Outside each classroom there will be a signup sheet for you to check your child in and out. Make sure any special instructions for your child is given to the supervising adult.

Please label ALL items you bring for your child (diaper bag, sippy cup, etc.) If your child cries for more than 10 minutes and is unable to be consoled, someone will come and get you. If you want someone to get you before ten minutes, please let the childcare workers know so they can come and get you sooner.

If your child is not feeling well and/or could be contagious, please do not bring them. If they have vomited or had a fever within 24 hours we want to avoid other children from contacting the illness. 

God's Adventure Club 5-10 years old (GAC).

All children are welcome to participate in many different activities such as crafts, games, and a bible story time. Each child can earn points at their own pace by memorizing bible verses and doing take home lessons along with points for just coming and even bringing friends. These points can then be used to earn awards of their choosing at the end of the year.