Hello Moms! Are you looking for other moms to connect with, gather with, relax with and chat with? Look no further than MOMCo!
Mount Forest MOMCo ( Formerly MOPS) will be starting up soon! We have missed you and look forward to seeing you and welcoming new moms.

Where: First Baptist Church Mount Forest

When: 2 Monday nights a month from 6-7:30 pm (moms eat a meal and there are kids programs at the same time with snacks)

Why: to make new friends with other moms and connect with old friends in a friendly and fun setting - to talk, share and learn as we navigate motherhood from birth into adulthood
Register each week if you and/or your child(ren) are attending. We use this information to make sure we have enough food and leaders in the kids rooms. To register for the evening please use this
Google Form.